Free advice.
Am I eligible for the AVGS?
Many often do not know that the "activation and placement voucher" - in short: AVGS - from their job center or employment agency even exists. They often fight their way to the job that suits them by themselves. Without professional and – thanks to AVGS – free advice.
It doesn't have to be! AYEKOO can help.
AVG-What? No idea what that's supposed to be?
AYEKOO explains: AVGS stands for "Aktivierungs- und Vermittlungsgutschein". Complicated neologism, simple purpose. Because with it you can our free advice and take full advantage!
Who is eligible for the AVGS:
Important is:
All applicants must have registered with the job center or the employment agency as a job seeker and be available for the job market.
I am threatened with unemployment
I am an employee
but threatened by acute unemployment. Regardless of whether it is operational or due to a fixed-term employment contract. I am entitled to ALG I or ALG II.
I am self-employed
and threatened by unemployment due to a lack of orders or other circumstances. That's why I want to go back to being an employee.
I am already unemployed
I am unemployed
I am already receiving ALG I or ALG II and am available for the job market.
Get free advice now.
And how? Simply download the activation and placement voucher that is right for you below and call the phone number provided. We'll do the rest.
AVGS – for young people under 25 who are looking for an apprenticeship
AVGS - for job seekers who want to get back to work
AVGS - for immigrant academics who are looking for a job
AVGS in 3 steps:
1. Contact the employment agency or the job center:
If necessary, register as a job seeker or contact the employment agency straight away. Clarify there that you need support to get back to work and that you need individual coaching. You will then receive the activation voucher
2. Contact us:
You alone decide where and with whom you want to carry out the coaching.
Call us, come by: We conduct a free initial consultation and look together at what you need and what you want.
We will then fill out the voucher for you, which you then send back to the job center/employment agency.
3. Beginning of the coaching:
The job center or the employment agency sends us the approval for the coaching. We will contact you immediately, arrange the first appointments and then start your coaching! Together we will then work on the topics that will lead you to your dream job.
If you need help, just give us a call. We are here for you.
Then just pass it on. Maybe your friends or family members?